Monday 12 January 2015

Vertical training

Hi my name is Riley and I'm doing my passion project on vertical training I've been playing volleyball for 6 years now school and club volleyball and I've realized that now I need a higher vertical, I'm 6'2 and I have to jump higher if I want to get over blocks all the way over there hands if I want to score more than I do now. It will help me get scouted to colleges or university's in the future because I'm not that big for a volleyball player so I need to help my self in another way which would be to increase my vertical. I want to improve my ability as a volleyball player as much as I can. I'm doing this because I don't want to stop playing volleyball just because you need height for the game so I'm going to help myself to improve my vertical. I've been working on my vertical for almost weeks now and it has been going very well so far. But it's been hard also between volleyball practices and tryouts because I don't want to decrease it so much so I can't jump at all. I stop doing it because it would of been hard for me on my legs to try to jump as hard and high as I can stop I let my legs have rest for three days before I had my tryouts. My tryouts were successful and I made the team that I wanted to be on so we have a month off till I start to practice with my new team. So I'm going to train for that month I have off and when my month is done hopefully my vertical has increases a decent amount to make my game a whole lot better and a interesting year for me as a player.

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